8 PR trends to watch in 2024

1. AI: from experiment to standard implementation

AI has made the predicted meteoric rise in PR and journalism. Last year we saw the first protocols appear from the Journalism Council and media groups to define what can and cannot be done with AI. Generally, the ‘Human in the loop’ principle is used. This means that nothing generated by AI will be published without a human’s approval. Most protocols also require mentioning that the article was written by AI. 

Media that are experimenting and reluctant now will quickly join in this year. 

On the journalistic side, the new boundary will move up to the use for headlines, audio write-ups, for research and for standard factual data articles  such as sports reports.

On the PR side, AI will be used in a more targeted way than it is now. Such as for specific texts or pitches, and story angles. The first PR AI tools are appearing (and we also use one), that allows you to generate texts for specific PR goals and in a certain tone of voice.

The downside can be that journalists will be buried in press information because data can be so easily collected by agencies. As a result, the real PR work becomes even more important: being newsworthy and distinctive. Along with the targeted use of technology, human creativity and originality is key.

2. Predictive analytics

PR agencies will not only measure coverage and sentiment of the current and past campaign, but will also use analytics to predict future trends and performance.

3. VR and AR in PR

VR and AR are not new, but possibly the applications as a PR tool will break through in 2024. These include immersive press conferences in VR and a product launch with an AR application that allows journalists to already experience an interactive teaser of the new product.

4. Long term collab influencers

In 2024 – 2025, brands will engage in more long-term collaborations with influencers that fit the brand and already have a proven track record. Different KPIs will be assigned per influencer and long-term (after one year). Content is more productive in nature and creative work should be seen as a video production with scenario in a certain fixed format. Influencers who are too commercial will be featured less and less.

5. The end of CSR comms

CSR activities in PR experienced a big surge, but in the coming years that will no longer work. Consumers have flattened under the messages of sustainable business and it has become mainstream. Journalists are tired of hearing from every company about what measures they are taking. Where in previous years it was a trend that allowed you to stand out positively and differentiate yourself as a brand, now it is expected anyway and can no longer be used for short-term project-based communications.

6. Personalized PR-content

In 2024, further efforts will be made to pitch remarkable stories 1-1 for 1 specific medium and a specific journalist of whom we know what he writes about, his specialty and sensitivities through the intersection of personal contacts and data analysis.

7. AI influencers

Virtual influencers emerged years ago, but AI is giving the trend a boost. Will it create a completely new generation of influencers such as Milla Sofia,  Miquela and Maya

They are now lifelike, speak like a human, show feelings and create content themselves based on their deep learning AI model. It is predicted to have a great future in marketing. Brands will develop ambassador characters themselves. 

However, that will not happen so quickly. There are 2 key elements missing that everything revolves around in influencer marketing: authenticity and the emotional connection. Human and AI influencers will therefore coexist and complement each other with their own strengths. AI influencers cannot make any wrong statements or misbehavior in the pub and you can make them be exactly as you want. They can announce novelties and inspire with stories, while real influencers maintain the bond with the brand.

8. Escapism

Readers are most interested in positive news (55%) and stories that offer solutions (46%).

In a time of a turbulent world, people are sensitive to cheerfulness, hope, humorous messages and escape from reality. Brands that put a smile on people’s faces with their creativity and ingenuity in PR-campaigns have an advantage.