How will AI affect PR?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly playing a vital role in the field of public relations, similar to its impact on various other industries. It empowers PR experts to gain insights and analyze data with unprecedented speed and effectiveness, offering numerous advantages:

  • Media monitoring is a crucial application of AI in PR. PR professionals can leverage AI technologies to rapidly assess vast amounts of news and social media content. This enables companies to swiftly identify trends, sentiments, and adapt their strategies accordingly.
  • AI proves valuable in analyzing news stories and media messages. It aids PR specialists in comprehending how specific issues are portrayed in the media, as well as identifying the most popular subjects and perspectives among the target audience.
  • Enhanced message personalization and targeting is another benefit of AI in PR. By employing data analysis and machine learning, PR professionals can gain a deeper understanding of their target audiences. This allows them to create customized messages and content tailored to the unique needs and interests of each audience segment.
  • AI can even predict the success or failure of news stories, assisting PR experts in refining their strategies and ensuring effective campaign delivery to the intended audiences.
  • Automating tasks such as press release production and influencer identification is made possible through AI. Consequently, PR specialists can allocate more time to strategically important activities.
  • AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants provide real-time customer care, enabling PR specialists to promptly address inquiries and feedback from the general public. This helps maintain their reputation and responsiveness.

Overall, AI is revolutionizing the PR sector by facilitating a data-driven approach. PR professionals gain deeper insights into the thoughts and behaviors of their target audiences, enabling them to adapt their strategies accordingly. AI empowers PR practitioners to run more successful campaigns and achieve their goals more efficiently. Undoubtedly, as the digital landscape rapidly evolves, AI will continue to shape the PR industry by equipping experts with the necessary tools to stay ahead.

6 steps to plan a successful influencer event for your lifestyle brand

Influencer events can be an effective way for lifestyle brands to enhance their visibility and connect with their desired audience. These events can generate excitement, promote user-generated content, and establish positive relationships with influencers who can help promote the brand.

Here are some steps to consider when organizing an influencer event for your lifestyle brand:

  • Identify your objectives: It is essential to identify your goals for the event, whether it is to boost sales, increase brand awareness, or create user-generated content. Knowing your objectives will assist in designing an event that aligns with your goals.
  • Select appropriate influencers: Choosing the right influencers is critical to the success of your event. Look for influencers who are an excellent fit for your brand, who have a following that aligns with your target audience, and who are dependable and professional. Furthermore, it is of course a perfect opportunity to get to know the influencers personally. This way you will find out what their needs are. Remember that an influencer does not always need to have a lot of followers to have a lot of engagement. Influencers with a smaller reach are often also interesting because they have more engagement.
  • Plan the event: Determine the type of event you want to host, such as a product launch or pop-up shop. Consider the venue, guest list, activities, and branding elements to create an experience that attendees will remember. In addition, it is best to build excitement with the audience several weeks in advance. This can be done through small sneak peaks, for example.
  • Prepare goodie bags and giveaways: Offering exclusive goodie bags and giveaways can add an extra level of excitement to your event. Ensure that the items align with your brand values and are something that attendees will appreciate.
  • Encourage social media sharing: Encourage attendees to share their experience on social media during the event. Create a unique hashtag for the event and consider running a social media contest to encourage attendees to share their posts.
  • Follow up after the event: Don’t forget to thank attendees after the event and maintain relationships with the influencers you partnered with. You can also repurpose content from the event to promote your brand on social media.

An example of a successful influencer event is the brunch that ABCommunication organized to launch their new beach collection. The event provided influencers with a sneak peek of the new collection before it was available for purchase.

During the brunch, influencers were able to see and try on the new collection, as well as interact with the designers and other Victoria Benelux team members. This provided them with the opportunity to establish a personal relationship with the brand and the people behind it, which could result in a long-term partnership.

In addition, influencers received a goodie bag with various items upon leaving the event. This not only gave them a lasting memory of the occasion but also gave them the opportunity to showcase the great items they received on social media.

The event was also successful on social media, with influencers sharing photos and stories from the event with their followers, who praised Victoria Benelux’s new collection.

In conclusion, Victoria Benelux’s influencer event was an effective example of how lifestyle brands can utilize influencer events to promote their brand and products, as well as establish relationships with influencers. By involving influencers with the brand in this way, they can create valuable content that increases the brand’s reach and fosters greater engagement with the target audience.

PR-talk: how to become a thought leader

8 tips to develop thought leadership

With thought leadership you can share your expertise in a certain domain with a broad target group and you can be contacted by the media as an expert. But just because you put that label on yourself doesn’t mean you are. Even a stream of social media messages or media appearances does not make you a valuable source of information in your industry. The goal is that you discuss questions and issues that concern your target audience.

1. Stay close to yourself 

Delineate very precisely the topics that you know everything about and list why this matters to others and why it would interest them. You determine stakeholder issues and questions, the target groups and tone of voice in advance. Try to formulate a substantive answer to specific questions and bring a new insight. Because everyone can have an opinion.

2. Determine what you want to achieve with it

This can be brand awareness, more social presence and reach, answering questions from the community, media attention, increasing website traffic, more leads, …

3. The good ones are asked for advice

Intrusively introducing yourself to the media to comment on current events in your sector is not going to work. Make sure your authentic content stands out to the right people or pitch in a targeted manner at a time when the media are looking for an expert.

4. Not too much

Leaving one content post or insight on your followers one after the other will reduce the appeal and engagement over time. E.g. max 1 post per week.

5. Act first, talk later

Before you can become a thought leader, you must already have proven success. For example in business development, only if you have already helped others achieve success in real life, you can do the same via thought leadership.

6. Have regular evidence and case studies

You must have a good reputation so that you inspire confidence. Come up with original research. Prove your expertise through years of experience, strong case studies, positive statements of others about you, a podcast, webinar, research that shows results that match your statements or good connections in your network. Setting up a joint webinar or event with other experts in a different but adjacent field is also a good option.

7. The right channels and places

Being present on the right social media, at debates, seminars, … is obvious, but applying it long-term consistently requires discipline, perseverance and good planning. 

8. Keep your followers up to date on what’s going on in your industry or niche.

You will ultimately be seen as a reliable source by stakeholders. Think carefully in advance about which activities you can sustain in the long term.